Dealing with Bullies
Select a box to view our tips on how to stay safe from bullies!
Types of Bullying
Helpful Tips
Where to Find Help
Helpful Tips
Always put your safety first!
Say 'STOP' to a bully and their hurtful words or actions.
Remove yourself from a bully's bad behaviour by walking away.
If you are being bullied, tell someone you trust what is happening, like a teacher, parent, or friend.
Don't be afraid to speak up! You can help stop the bully from hurting you and others.
Remember to treat others how you would like to be treated.
Always take care of your friends and help each other to stay safe.
Types of Bullying
Spreading rumours, swearing at, yelling at, abusing, name calling, or saying mean things about someone is verbal bullying!
No one should punch, kick, push, trip, spit on, or touch you in a hurtful way. This is physical bullying!
No one should post hurtful or mean comments / information online about another person. This is a form of online bullying.
Where to Find Help
If you need to speak to someone in confidence, you may like to contact Kids Helpline or Lifeline.
You are able to phone 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Kids Helpline
Phone: 1300 55 1800
Phone: 13 11 14
Hi kids! My name is Eric and welcome to our safety section on bullying. We have some information to help you to know the types of bullying, where you can find help, the people you can talk to, and lots more!
If you are being bullied or you know someone who is, then tell someone you trust what is happening so you or your friend can get help.
Read our tips by clicking on the links below or above in the image.
Look out for each other and always say no to bullying!
Bye for now,